Miss Nikki and Saul chat about the eclipse and using event energy in your magick.
Tag: evermovingwerise
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about dealing with stupidity, even when it’s your own.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about staying on their path despite obstacles and change
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Ivo Dominguez, Jr, about the astrology of 2024.
Miss Nikki and Saul talk about love and magick
Witch Hat Chats | SE04 EP11 | Goals
A new year brings new opportunities. Miss Nikki and Saul talk about goals for 2024 and some thoughts about how to set goals that will stick!
Miss Nikki Kirby and Saul Ravencraft chat with Antonio Pagliarulo about the Evil Eye, its nature, symptoms, how to defend yourself, and how you might cast it!
Miss Nikki and Saul talk about numerology and birthday magick
Miss Nikki and Saul talk with Byron Ballard about the nature of the veil in modern times
Witch Hat Chats | SE04 EP07 | Hauntings
Miss Nikki and Saul talk about hauntings and seance