David Shi is a spiritual worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent, but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central Asian Turkic heritage as well. Raised in a household that incorporated both Southeast Siberian and North Chinese practices, David has dedicated his spare time to the study of the spiritual traditions of his ancestors and of greater Eurasia. Recognized as a sagaasha/ongodtengertei, a future shaman prior to initiation, among both Mongolian and Korean shamans, David’s practices are deeply rooted in spirit work in which ancestral and land spirits are called to empower all workings. David’s readings incorporate a combination of Tarot, Runes, Bones, Jaw-harp, as well as Mongolian stone divination (known as Kumalak in Turkic Central Asia).
David is also the author of the book “North Asian Magic: Spellcraft from Manchuria, Mongolia, and Siberia,” and conducted workshops across the country at occult shops such as Catland Books, as well as at festivals such as So Mote that Con sponsored by the That Witch Life podcast, WitchsFest NYC sponsored by the Wiccan Family Temple, and the Hoodoo Heritage Festival sponsored by the Lucky Mojo Curio Company. He was also interviewed on “That Witch Life” by Courtney Weber, “The Mystic Witch” by Blue June, and “On Sacred Ground” by Khi Armand. Additionally, David has studied Witchcraft, Hoodoo Rootwork, and Rune-lore from teachers within those traditions. David also teaches the Korean traditional drumming art of Poongmul/Samul-nori. David currently resides in Manhattan, New York where he occasionally provides spiritual services, products, and workshops to his immediate communities.