Starr is a Trini-Canadian, who fell in love with the magickal arts at a tender age. Became an independent scholar, practicing WitchCraft in all its many facets of Magicks from around the world, as she considers it all belonging to her Craft.
She is the Founder and Elder of the NYC Wiccan Family Temple, the first Witch Temple in New York City ordaining its Priest/Priestesses to be licensed State Reverends and Founder of the WFT Academy Of Pagan Studies the First Witch School in NYC. Formed and runs WitchsFest USA – A Pagan Faire and formerly ran the NYC Witches Masquerade Ball (2005 – 2019).
She is also the co-owner of CharmedByStarr.com a WitchCraft EShoppe for those of discerning taste and needs.
She has been giving lectures and teaching workshops related to WitchCraft, and its many practices at Witchy Events, Universities and Colleges for over 40 years.
Starr co-created the Journey To the Realm of the Underworld Graveyard Mysteries designed to be a therapeutically magickal experience for each person.
She is a Reverend, High Priestess, Teacher, and Elder ~ Intuitive Witch.
She currently lives in New York City with her son.
Starr’s Witchshop will be
A Plethora of Candle Spells
Whatever type of magick you practice, there are systems in place to address every situation that is faced. Conflict is unavoidable and at some point we will all find ourselves facing adversities.
Whatever you are subjected to must be faced and handled in a manner befitting each event. Effectively handling each difficult situation is an extremely important part of the many magickal skills you must attain. In this class you will learn about:
- Working with Figural candles
- Loading Inscribing and Petitioning candles of all types
- Reasoning through your Spells with candles
- Some spells to work with
- Reversing Spells and tricks
- Social Justice Candle Spell
- Double action candles
- Sigils seals etc.
What you will need to participate
An assortment of candles if you have them. White ones will do.