Welcome to Witch Hat Chats
open discussion of walking the witchy path
Catch our weekly broadcast on YouTube. You can also see our archive of previous episodes.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Ginger Chandler about Dragon Magick
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about dealing with imperfections, even embracing them.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about death and how to deepen our understanding during this time of year.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about how they are moving forward in the midst of all the challenges we face.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Charity L. Bedell
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Denise Alvarado about Voodoo and her new book.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Mawiyah Kai EL-Jamah Bomani about Calabash!
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about issues requiring healing normal people wouldn’t consider.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Debra Burris about the science and magick of crows and ravens
Miss Nikki and Saul chat with Debra Burris about the coexistence of magick and science and her new book, Weather…
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about the sun & moon & their correspondences.
Miss Nikki and Saul chat about walking and working in graveyards